How to choose a laptop for VR gaming

How do you know which elements of a laptop should be favored when selecting a laptop for VR? Here we will go over all the different elements and considerations you should make before making that exciting purchase!


3/27/202413 min read

a computer screen with a video game on it
a computer screen with a video game on it

What to consider

Virtual reality (VR) gaming has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering gamers an immersive and interactive experience like never before. To fully enjoy VR gaming, it is important to have a laptop that can handle the demanding requirements of this technology. In this article, we will discuss the various elements of laptop hardware that you should consider when choosing the best laptop for VR gaming.

One of the most important factors to consider when selecting a laptop for VR gaming is the graphics card. The graphics card is responsible for rendering the high-resolution graphics and 3D environments that VR games require. For a smooth and realistic VR experience, it is recommended to choose a laptop with a powerful graphics card, such as an NVIDIA GeForce RTX or AMD Radeon RX. These graphics cards are specifically designed for gaming and can handle the intense graphics processing that VR games demand.

In addition to the graphics card, the processor is another crucial component to consider. The processor, also known as the central processing unit (CPU), is responsible for executing the instructions and calculations necessary for running VR games. To ensure smooth gameplay and minimize lag, it is recommended to choose a laptop with a high-performance processor, such as an Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7. These processors have multiple cores and high clock speeds, allowing them to handle the complex calculations required by VR games.

Another important consideration is the amount of RAM (random access memory) in the laptop. RAM is used to temporarily store data that the processor needs to access quickly. VR games often require a significant amount of RAM to run smoothly, so it is advisable to choose a laptop with at least 16GB of RAM. This will ensure that the laptop has enough memory to handle the demanding requirements of VR gaming without experiencing slowdowns or crashes.

Storage is also an important factor to consider when choosing a laptop for VR gaming. VR games can be quite large in size, often requiring several gigabytes of storage space. It is recommended to choose a laptop with a solid-state drive (SSD) rather than a traditional hard drive. SSDs are faster and more reliable, allowing for quicker load times and smoother gameplay. Additionally, having ample storage space is important to accommodate not only VR games but also other applications and files.

Lastly, it is important to consider the laptop's display and audio capabilities. VR gaming relies heavily on visuals and sound to create an immersive experience. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a laptop with a high-resolution display, such as a 1080p or 4K screen. This will ensure crisp and detailed visuals, enhancing the overall VR gaming experience. Additionally, a laptop with high-quality speakers or support for external audio devices can further enhance the audio immersion, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the virtual world.

To summarize, when selecting a laptop for VR gaming, it is crucial to consider the graphics card, processor, RAM, storage, display, and audio capabilities. By choosing a laptop with the right hardware specifications, you can ensure a smooth and immersive VR gaming experience. So, take the time to research and compare different laptops to find the one that best suits your needs and budget.

1. Processor

The processor, or CPU, is the brain of your laptop and plays a crucial role in running VR games smoothly. When it comes to VR gaming, it is recommended to choose a laptop with a powerful processor. Look for laptops with at least an Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 processor, but if your budget allows, consider upgrading to an Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7 processor for better performance.

The processor is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations, making it a critical component for any computing task. In the context of VR gaming, the processor's role becomes even more crucial as it needs to handle the complex calculations and rendering required to create immersive virtual environments. An Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 processor provides a solid foundation for VR gaming. These processors offer a good balance between performance and affordability, making them suitable for most gamers. With multiple cores and high clock speeds, they can handle the demands of VR gaming without breaking a sweat. However, if you want to take your VR gaming experience to the next level, upgrading to an Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7 processor is worth considering. These processors offer higher clock speeds, more cores, and better overall performance, allowing for smoother gameplay and improved multitasking capabilities. With their increased processing power, they can handle more demanding VR games and applications with ease. It's important to note that the processor alone is not the sole determinant of a laptop's performance in VR gaming. Other factors, such as the graphics card, RAM, and storage, also play significant roles. However, having a powerful processor sets a solid foundation for a high-performance VR gaming laptop. In conclusion, when choosing a laptop for VR gaming, pay close attention to the processor. Aim for at least an Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 processor, but consider upgrading to an Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7 processor if you want to maximize your gaming experience. Remember to also consider other components to ensure a well-rounded VR gaming laptop that can handle the demands of immersive virtual reality environments.

2. Graphics Card

The graphics card, or GPU, is responsible for rendering the graphics in VR games. For a seamless VR gaming experience, it is essential to have a laptop with a dedicated graphics card. Look for laptops with at least an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon RX 580 graphics card. These mid-range graphics cards offer decent performance and can handle most VR games with ease.

However, if you want to future-proof your laptop and ensure that it can handle more demanding VR games and applications, consider investing in a laptop with a higher-end graphics card. The NVIDIA GeForce RTX series, such as the RTX 2060, RTX 2070, and RTX 2080, or the AMD Radeon RX 6000 series, like the RX 6700 XT or RX 6800 XT, are excellent options.

These high-end graphics cards come equipped with advanced features like real-time ray tracing and DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling), which enhance the visual quality and overall performance in VR games. They also have more powerful GPUs and higher memory capacities, allowing for smoother gameplay and improved frame rates.

Additionally, the higher-end graphics cards offer better support for VR technologies like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance. They provide a more immersive and realistic VR experience, with sharper visuals, more detailed textures, and enhanced lighting effects.

When choosing a laptop with a graphics card for VR gaming, it's also important to consider the cooling system. VR games can put a significant strain on the GPU, causing it to generate more heat. Look for laptops with efficient cooling solutions, such as multiple fans or vapor chamber cooling, to prevent overheating and maintain optimal performance during extended VR gaming sessions.

In conclusion, while a mid-range graphics card like the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon RX 580 can handle most VR games, investing in a laptop with a higher-end graphics card like the NVIDIA GeForce RTX series or AMD Radeon RX 6000 series will provide a more future-proof and immersive VR gaming experience. Consider the graphics card's performance, features, and cooling system when making your decision.

When it comes to VR gaming, having enough RAM is crucial for a seamless and immersive experience. RAM acts as a temporary storage space for data that your laptop needs to access quickly. It allows your laptop to run multiple programs simultaneously and ensures smooth gameplay without any lag or stutter.

While 8GB of RAM is the minimum requirement for VR gaming, it is always better to have more. Opting for a laptop with 16GB or even 32GB of RAM will provide you with a significant performance boost. With more RAM, your laptop can handle resource-intensive VR games and applications with ease, allowing you to fully enjoy the virtual reality experience.

Furthermore, having ample RAM also enables efficient multitasking. You can have multiple applications open in the background while gaming, such as a web browser, music player, or video editing software. This means you can seamlessly switch between tasks without experiencing any slowdown or system crashes.

Another advantage of having more RAM is future-proofing your laptop. As technology advances and new VR games and applications are developed, they will likely require more memory to run smoothly. By investing in a laptop with 16GB or 32GB of RAM, you are ensuring that your device can handle future VR gaming requirements without the need for an upgrade.

It is important to note that while RAM is essential for VR gaming, it is not the only factor that determines overall performance. The processor, graphics card, and storage drive also play significant roles. Therefore, it is crucial to consider these components in conjunction with RAM when choosing a laptop for VR gaming.

In conclusion, having sufficient RAM is vital for an optimal VR gaming experience. Aim for a minimum of 8GB, but if budget allows, consider investing in a laptop with 16GB or 32GB of RAM to ensure smooth gameplay, efficient multitasking, and future-proofing your device.

4. Storage

When it comes to storage, there are two main types to consider: solid-state drives (SSD) and hard disk drives (HDD). SSDs are faster and more reliable, making them ideal for VR gaming. Look for laptops with at least a 256GB SSD, but if you have a large game library, consider opting for a laptop with a 512GB or 1TB SSD. Additionally, having an extra HDD for storage can be beneficial if you need more space for non-gaming files.

The choice between SSD and HDD is an important consideration when selecting a laptop for VR gaming. SSDs offer several advantages over HDDs. Firstly, they have no moving parts, which means they are less prone to mechanical failure. This makes SSDs more reliable and durable, ensuring that your gaming experience is not interrupted due to a sudden hard drive failure. Furthermore, SSDs are significantly faster than HDDs. They have faster read and write speeds, which means that games and applications load quicker, resulting in reduced loading times and improved overall performance. This is particularly important in VR gaming, where a seamless and immersive experience is crucial. When it comes to storage capacity, a minimum of 256GB SSD is recommended for a VR gaming laptop. This will provide enough space for the operating system, games, and essential applications. However, if you have a large game library or plan to store other multimedia files, it is advisable to opt for a laptop with a larger SSD capacity, such as 512GB or even 1TB. In addition to SSD, having an extra HDD for storage can be beneficial. While SSDs excel in speed and reliability, they are generally more expensive per gigabyte compared to HDDs. Therefore, if you have a vast collection of non-gaming files, such as movies, music, or documents, having an extra HDD can provide you with the additional space you need without breaking the bank. In conclusion, when choosing a laptop for VR gaming, it is important to consider the storage options available. Opting for a laptop with a fast and reliable SSD will ensure smooth gameplay and reduced loading times. Additionally, having an extra HDD can provide ample storage space for non-gaming files without compromising on performance. So, choose wisely and enjoy an immersive VR gaming experience without any storage limitations.

5. Display

A high-quality display is essential for an immersive VR gaming experience. Look for laptops with a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 (Full HD) and a high refresh rate of 120Hz or higher. Additionally, consider laptops with an IPS panel for better color accuracy and wider viewing angles.

The display is one of the most crucial aspects to consider when choosing a laptop for VR gaming. It is the window through which you will experience the virtual world, and therefore, it needs to be of top-notch quality. A high-resolution display is important to ensure sharp and detailed visuals. A minimum resolution of 1920x1080, also known as Full HD, is recommended for an optimal VR gaming experience. This resolution provides a good balance between performance and visual quality. However, resolution is not the only factor to consider. The refresh rate of the display is equally important. A higher refresh rate ensures smoother motion and reduces motion blur, which is crucial for VR gaming. Look for laptops with a refresh rate of 120Hz or higher. This will provide a more fluid and responsive experience, making the virtual world feel more realistic and immersive. In addition to resolution and refresh rate, the type of panel used in the display is also worth considering. An IPS (In-Plane Switching) panel is highly recommended for better color accuracy and wider viewing angles. IPS panels offer more vibrant and accurate colors, allowing you to fully appreciate the visual details of the virtual world. They also provide wider viewing angles, ensuring that the visuals remain consistent even when viewed from different positions. When evaluating the display of a laptop for VR gaming, it's important to consider these factors in conjunction with each other. A high-resolution display with a low refresh rate may result in a visually stunning experience but with noticeable motion blur. On the other hand, a high refresh rate with a low-resolution display may result in a smoother experience but with less detailed visuals. Therefore, finding a balance between resolution, refresh rate, and panel type is crucial to ensure an optimal VR gaming experience. In summary, when looking for a laptop for VR gaming, pay close attention to the display specifications. Aim for a minimum resolution of 1920x1080, a high refresh rate of 120Hz or higher, and consider laptops with an IPS panel for better color accuracy and wider viewing angles. By choosing a laptop with a high-quality display, you can enhance your VR gaming experience and fully immerse yourself in the virtual world.

6. Connectivity

When it comes to VR gaming, connectivity is crucial. Look for laptops with multiple USB ports, including at least one USB 3.0 or higher port for connecting VR headsets and peripherals. Additionally, having an HDMI or DisplayPort output is necessary for connecting your laptop to a VR headset.

In addition to USB ports and display outputs, it is also important to consider the wireless connectivity options of a VR gaming laptop. A strong and reliable Wi-Fi connection is essential for online multiplayer gaming and downloading VR games and updates. Look for laptops with the latest Wi-Fi standards, such as Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), which offers faster speeds and better performance compared to older standards. Furthermore, Bluetooth connectivity is another aspect to consider. Bluetooth allows you to connect wireless controllers, headphones, and other accessories to your laptop. This is especially important for VR gaming, as having a wireless controller can enhance the immersive experience and provide more freedom of movement. Moreover, some VR headsets require additional connectivity options, such as Thunderbolt ports or mini DisplayPort outputs. These ports can be used to connect external graphics cards or other high-performance peripherals to enhance the VR gaming experience. Therefore, it is important to check the specifications of both the laptop and the VR headset to ensure compatibility and optimal performance. Lastly, it is worth mentioning the importance of a stable and reliable internet connection for VR gaming. While Wi-Fi is commonly used, some VR gamers prefer to use a wired Ethernet connection for a more stable and consistent online gaming experience. Therefore, having an Ethernet port on the laptop can be beneficial, especially for competitive multiplayer VR games where every millisecond counts. In conclusion, when choosing a VR gaming laptop, it is crucial to consider the connectivity options it offers. Multiple USB ports, including USB 3.0 or higher, HDMI or DisplayPort outputs, and the latest Wi-Fi and Bluetooth standards are essential for a seamless VR gaming experience. Additionally, compatibility with the specific VR headset and the availability of additional connectivity options should also be taken into account. By ensuring the laptop has the necessary connectivity features, you can fully immerse yourself in the exciting world of VR gaming.

7. Battery Life

VR gaming can be demanding on your laptop's battery. Look for laptops with a decent battery life to ensure uninterrupted gaming sessions. However, keep in mind that VR gaming will drain the battery faster than regular gaming, so it is always a good idea to have your laptop plugged in during VR gaming sessions.

When it comes to battery life, there are a few factors to consider. First and foremost, the capacity of the battery itself plays a crucial role. A laptop with a higher battery capacity will generally last longer, allowing you to enjoy extended VR gaming sessions without worrying about running out of power. Additionally, the efficiency of the laptop's hardware components also affects battery life. VR gaming requires a significant amount of processing power, which in turn consumes more energy. Therefore, laptops with more powerful processors and graphics cards may have a shorter battery life compared to those with less powerful hardware. The display technology of the laptop can also impact battery life. Some laptops come with high-resolution screens that require more power to operate, resulting in shorter battery life. On the other hand, laptops with lower resolution displays may offer better battery efficiency. Furthermore, the software optimization of the laptop can make a difference in battery performance. Some laptops come with power-saving features and settings that can help prolong battery life during VR gaming. These features may include the ability to adjust the power settings, disable unnecessary background processes, and optimize resource allocation. In addition to considering the laptop's battery life, it is essential to have a backup plan for extended VR gaming sessions. While having the laptop plugged in during gameplay is recommended, it may not always be feasible, especially if you are gaming in a location without easy access to power outlets. In such cases, having a spare battery or a portable power bank can be a lifesaver, allowing you to continue your VR gaming adventure without interruption. In conclusion, battery life is a crucial aspect to consider when choosing a laptop for VR gaming. To ensure uninterrupted gameplay, look for laptops with a decent battery capacity, efficient hardware components, optimized software, and have a backup plan in case you need to game on the go. With the right laptop and power management strategies, you can immerse yourself in the virtual world without worrying about running out of battery power.

8. Cooling System

VR gaming can put a significant strain on your laptop's hardware, generating a lot of heat. Look for laptops with an efficient cooling system that includes multiple heat pipes, fans, and vents to prevent overheating. This will help maintain optimal performance and prevent thermal throttling during intense gaming sessions.

When it comes to gaming, heat management is crucial. The intense processing power required for VR gaming can cause your laptop's components to heat up quickly. If not properly cooled, this can lead to performance issues, system instability, and even permanent damage to your hardware. To combat this, laptop manufacturers have developed advanced cooling systems specifically designed to handle the heat generated by demanding gaming sessions. One of the key components of an efficient cooling system is the presence of multiple heat pipes. These heat pipes are responsible for transferring the heat away from the CPU and GPU, dispersing it throughout the laptop's chassis. In addition to heat pipes, a well-designed cooling system should also include strategically placed fans. These fans work in conjunction with the heat pipes to actively dissipate the heat generated by the laptop's components. The number and size of the fans can vary depending on the laptop model, but generally, more fans mean better cooling performance. Furthermore, the placement of vents is also crucial for effective heat dissipation. Look for laptops that have vents located on the sides and back of the chassis, as these allow for better airflow and prevent hot air from getting trapped inside the laptop. Some laptops even feature additional vents on the bottom, allowing for improved cooling when placed on a flat surface. When choosing a laptop for VR gaming, it's important to consider the cooling system's overall design and efficiency. Look for laptops that have been tested and proven to handle high temperatures without throttling the performance. This information can often be found in reviews or specifications provided by the manufacturer. Investing in a laptop with a robust cooling system is essential for a smooth and enjoyable VR gaming experience. It not only ensures that your laptop can handle the demanding graphics and processing requirements but also prolongs the lifespan of your hardware. So, before making a purchase, be sure to carefully evaluate the cooling capabilities of the laptop you're considering.